Sunday 7 April 2013

Debunking the Myth of Creationism-Does god really exist?

Debunking the Myth of Creationism-Does god really exist?
An explanation for the origin of the world man and other creatures is found in all human cultures. Traditionally all three Abrahamic religions such as Christianity, Muslims and Judaism- all explain the origin of man and the universe as the handiwork of an omniscient god. When the Secular Rastafarian and Poet Mutabaruka did a Poem” Is God schizophrenic” it plunged religion in an existential crisis. Central to the poem was a scathing request for god in the sky to come down and die. Mutabaruka a clever outspoken humanist trough his poem appealed to religious addicts high on the god delusion to think outside of the box of religious myths.

The promise of a god in the sky is misleading and fancy fairy tale dreamt up and believed by religious theorist. The religious hatemongers were infuriated by this cleverly crafted dialectic that is indeed radical and thought provoking. But on the positive side of the equation it created a quiet revolution unnoticed by the Oxford and Princeton brigade who claimed responsibility for the second wave of Secularism and the contemporary post -religious philosophy. History is replete with records of many secularists who have been persecuted by religious fanatics for not believing in creationism. Their Punishment often range from being burnt at the stake, torture or long periods of imprisonment.

But let us examine the historical trajectory that led to the discovery of evolutionary biology. Even Ancient Greece who staked it claim in Western Civilization was bogged down with the myth of an intelligent designer. Anaximander a pre-Socratic Greek philosopher who lived in Miletus btween610 – 546 BC proposed that animals could be transformed from one kind to another. It seem wholly unusual that the roots of evolution had its early groundings in religious thought as Christian theologians such as Gregory of Naizahus and Augustine maintained that not all species of such was created by god and that some species must have come into existence after the flood as it would have been imposable for Noah ark a single vessel could hold all the species of the world in that time.

Charles Darwin the founder of modern evolution theory: owes a debt of gratitude to his forerunners French naturalist Jean Baptise- Lamark who published a seminal writing’ Philosophical zoology’. The work of the Reverent Thomas Malthus became widely known for his theories about population and its increase or decrease in response to various factors. The six editions of his An Essay on the Principle of Population, published from 1798 to 1826, observed that sooner or later population gets checked by famine and disease. Charles Darwin attributed his seminal theory of the original species to Malthus influence. I hate to admit this but atheist like myself owe a debt of gratitude to early Christian theologian’s for handing us evolutionary biology on a platter.

So let’s get to the meat of the matter -that is -to lay bare the ludicrous idea of creationism. We know from palaeontologists and molecular biologist that the earth is 4.5 billion years old. The oldest know rocks, dated at 3.96 billion years are found in north western Canada. Most professionals in the scientific community that is worth their grain of salt all widely believe that the universe started about 15 billion years ago in the ‘Big Bang’. It was a monumental explosion that sent matter and energy exploding in all directions. As the universe expanded, matter collected into clouds that condensed into galaxies such as our own milky way. Gravitational attracted materials that in many ways condensed into stars where nuclear reaction took place forming small planets like the earth and the sun. This is more comforting than the Adam and Eve and “Yaccubs theory “of Creationism as most of it is scientifically validated and the gaps in understand are emerging continuously.
We owe an infinite amount of gratitude to the work of several evolutionary biologist, palaeontologist archaeologist and genealogist to our understanding of the origin of species most importantly Charles Darwin. We know know that women have their pace in the evolutionary process than the subservient belief that they share a rib from man given to them by god. Evolution is the process of decent with modification. The virtual infinite variation of life are the fruit of evolution and not a designer of a god in a back room call heaven knocking and fitting bones and flesh together with an hammer and an anvil.
There is such too much to say about the evolutionary process that cannot be done in a single blog. Except to end by saying god and creationism is as real as the cow jump over the moon. People accuse me of being self-centred but that accusation is wide of the mark. I owe no apology for being knowledge centred if gods exist- show me the evidence.

Donovan Reynolds is a Blogger and Independent Writer. He is a British based Social Worker and Human rights Activist. He has an interest in Politics, Culture, and Human Rights. Readers may comment on this blog or email feedback at

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